Wednesday, December 30

Year of Islam (year hujrah) and Name Day (International Ver.)

 Year of Islam (year hujrah)
Years counted from the ongoing Islamic prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca k Medina. According to estimates Igregorian, moved it falls on 15 July in 622 BC
This year calculated based on journey months, the sinking of the moon namely rising when encircle the earth that the length of 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 9 seconds. The duration of approximately 354 days a year and is divided into 12 months. And the length of each month alternately between 29-30 days.
1. Muharram                30 days
2. Shafar                      29 days
3. Rabi al-Awwal        30 days
4. Rabi'ul-Akhir          29 days
5. Jumada-Awwal       30 days
6. Jumasdil-Akhir       29 days
7. Rajab                       30 days
8. Sha'ban                    29 days
9. Ramadan                 30 days
10. Shawwal               29 days
11. Zulka'dah              30 days
12. Zulhijjah                29 days

Islam leap year
Time within 30 years we will find 19 times * with the age of 354 days and 11 years have 35 days. The latter year (355 days) named kabisat year. In this case the excess 1 day added in the last (month 12 or Zulhijjah). For know ordinary year for leap year done by dividing the number of years that the 30-year-old to 30. The results show performances years ago, meanwhile determine where the rest of that year in current wrist.
Grip: if the remaining 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 16, 18, 21, 24, and 26, then there was a leap year ;;, total 355 days.

Name day (international version)
1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Seasa
4. Arba'a
5. Khammis
6. Friday
7. Saturday

1.  Minggu
2.  Senin
3.  Selasa
4.  Rabu
5.  Kamis
6.  Jum’at
7.  Sabtu
1. Sun's day
2. Moons day
3. Tiws day
4. Wodens day
5. Thor day
6. Frigg day
7. Seterne day

1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday

1. Diees Soloist
2. Dies Lunae
3. Dies Martis
4. Dies Merculi
5. Dies Jovis
6. Dies Veneris
7. Dies Satumi

1. Sonntag
2. Montag
3. Dienstag
4. Mittwoch
5. Donnerstag
6. Freitag
7. Sonnabend

I’m sorry if there like typo, or hard to be translate, or any mistake I’m so sorry
Because basiclly it is original from a book, and I took it and translated it.


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